Tennis court dome

Callington College, Cornwall

  • CLIENT : Cable Domes Ltd
  • INSTALLER : Cable Domes Ltd


After experiencing serious difficulties trying to install a different type of anchor into the stiff clays, Cable Domes needed a fast, efficient and cost-effective ground anchor that could be easily installed and would reliably secure an inflatable dome, to prevent any uplift of the structure, erected over tennis courts at Callington College.


Cable Domes chose mechanical ground anchors. The structure measures 37.5m square and is kept inflated by a constant flow of air into the dome. Air pressure is maintained during entry and exit by a revolving door.

To secure the structure firmly to the ground 149 mechanical ground anchors were installed around the perimeter. Each of the galvanised cast iron anchors with high yield bars was driven 3m into the ground and then load locked to a 100kN proof load and secured to the dome’s cables by means of a special bail fitting.